Friday, February 7, 2014

Why Implementing a BYOD Solution and IAM Solution Go Hand in Hand

Implementing a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) strategy can be an extremely beneficial undertaking but if implemented on its own, it can also create several problems. For example, many security issues can arise, as well as a great deal of time spent by the IT department setting up and monitoring all the new devices.

This alone is why it’s necessary that a mobile identity and access management (IAM) solution be implemented in conjunction with BYOD. Such a solution allows companies to receive the full benefit of BYOD without having to deal with the many issues that come along with it.

Here are some reasons why BYOD and mobile IAM go hand in hand and should be implemented together.

Cost Savings
One of the main reasons that companies implement BYOD is to lower their costs associated with purchasing a large number of computers or tablets. Though BYOD may lower costs of technology, if not implemented correctly, the strategy can result in higher costs in areas such as the time and support from the IT department. Without an IAM solution in place, IT employees will first have to deal with the large influx of new devices being used with their network. This can be extremely time consuming, since it has to be done manually, and each device needs to be added.

With an IAM solution in place, IT employees can easily add new devices by simply listing them in Active Directory. If desired, they can also allow end users to register the devices themselves. End users simply fill out a web form that is set up for a work flow request, which then will be automatically sent to the appropriate manager or department for approval. This completely removes IT’s need for intervention.

After implementation, an IAM solution will continue to enhance BYOD and ensure low cost and less attention from IT. IAM also allows IT administrators to easily add, make changes or disable users who are using mobile devices from one place, rather than requiring them to make changes in each system or application.

Securing the company’s infrastructure

Though BYOD means employees are using their own devices instead of company provided technology, employees still need access to the company’s network, systems and applications. This can become an issue when employees leave the company, since they keep their devices, possibly allowing them access to company data.

Organizations need to ensure that when employees leave, they no longer have access to the company’s network and data. Though the solution seems simple – disable users from the system and applications to which they have access – this often, more times than not, goes unnoticed and users remains active with access to all systems as if they were employees of the organization.

The reason for this is that IT must be notified of the employee’s leave, then must manually disable the user from all systems and applications. If an IAM solution is implemented once an employee leaves, a manager can automatically disable the user and deactivate account access, ensuring the security of the company’s data.

Easily control devices registered
One of the most important things companies can do to ensure a successful BYOD implementation is to be in control of BYOD and set rules and criteria that require employees to use their own devices from the beginning. Though this makes sense in theory, it is often difficult to do since companies often need to control and monitor hundreds or thousands of employees. This is why organizations need a solution that monitors the devices registered for them.

There are many different types and brands of devices with various different operating systems. Once an organization decides which they are going to support, this can be set up in their mobile IAM solution. When a user tries to register a device, only those that the company supports will be able to be registered with the organization.

Overall, BYOD and an IAM solutions work together, providing an organization with an optimal solution for a mobile workforce. Many of the issues commonly associated with BYOD can be easily eliminated, allowing the company to reap the best of the program’s benefits.

For more information , please visit our website.

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