Thursday, December 13, 2012

Volvo Cars Nederland Implements Tools4ever’s Enterprise Single Sign On Manager

Seeking a solution to streamline employee’s access to internal accounts, Volvo Cars of The Netherlands, sought a solution to reduce the number of login and access credentials required of employees to gain access to their (web) applications.

Employees at the dealership use 20 different applications a day, on average, each of which requires a different combination of user name and password. Through Tools4ever’s single sign on, a total of 35 generic web applications, including sales and inventory and workplace management suites, were made ready for single sign on with the help of Enterprise Single Sign On Manager (E-SSOM.) The software’s implementation was carried out in collaboration with Volvo Cars Nederland B.V.’s software and service provider, Beesd A2.

“When Tools4ever presented us with its solution, I was immediately impressed by the product’s ease of use and how fast Tools4ever was able to implement the solution,” Tjeu Bollen, the founder of Beesd A2. “During a pilot run of the program, Tools4ever was able to make 20 applications ready for single sign on in just one day. This pilot, and the relatively low costs of the solution, made our decision to select this suite very easy.”

The European dealer is not alone in its desire to streamline. Dealerships across the globe increasingly are forced to turn to web applications to process and sell automobiles. Typically, each of these web applications requires a different user name and password. As is often the case, employees write down passwords on sticky notes or file them in other non-secure manners in an attempt to remember them. However, a single sign on solution corals all systems together and allows a user to enter just one password or login credential to access them. 

The staff at Volvo Cars B.V., in particular, benefit from the software. They no longer have to enter credentials for each individual application, and spend considerably less time on the login process and are spared a lot of frustration.

During a successful pilot at one of the Volvo dealerships, the value of the Tools4ever single sign on software quickly became apparent to the employees, said Dean Wiech, managing director of Tools4ever. “Three salespeople and two receptionists tested the software on site over a period of two months. From the very first day, they were highly enthusiastic about the solution, as they no longer had to log in to each and every application. They realized the immediate efficiencies it created."

“When the two months had ended and the test license expired, they got on the phone and said that they absolutely needed the software.”

The dealership has since implemented Tools4ever’s E-SSOM across all of its 110 branches throughout the Netherlands.

For more about Tools4ever, E-SSOM and to read customer case studies, visit our website.


  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

  2. The use of single sign on in different platforms has been increased to great extent.Getting connect with these security measures the volvo cars are now more safer and really reliable as point of technology.

    Regards Mike
